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Canada- Day 1

Today we realize a dream for our program. Four years ago I had a goal to take the young women in our program on a “foreign trip”, I wish everyone could see the smile on my face as we embark on our journey. Today may have been the earliest wake up call and departure that we have had over the last four years. The bus pulled away from The Burrow at 330am...passports in hand ready to hit the road. Exactly 20 years ago, I was given the opportunity to take my first foreign trip as a player...the championship games, the awards received pale in comparison to my memories of what that trip meant to me as and individual and to our program. I have since traveled on 3 foreign tours, visiting such places as: England, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and now I am privileged to add Canada to the list.

This trip will provide so many opportunities for our program. The first has occurred before we left the state of Florida. We were able to get 10 days of practice, I watched our returners lead and I have watched our seven newcomers take the program’s culture to a level it has never been. We will play three games while we are on our tour, we will be challenged by mature, experienced international programs, which will continue to add to our growth.

This trip will allow our players to take a chance on themselves and each other. We will test limits, break boundaries and come together to conquer challenge

s and face fears. We will take the Grouse Mountain Skyride, North America’s largest aerial tram system, which will take us 1 mile up, more then 3,700 feet above sea level. We will cross the Capilano Suspension Bridge...a 460 foot walk across a swaying bridge suspended 230 feet above the Capilano River gorge. We will zipline on the longest continuous zipline in either Canada or the United States. Through all these excursions we will learn that we are capable of much more then we ever thought was possible.

This trip is a once in a lifetime for our players and for our program. The opportunities afforded to us as collegiate basketball players is something that will never be taken for granted by myself or our team. There are not enough words to express my gratitude for the individuals who have made this dream a reality. We will represent Florida Atlantic and I have no doubt we will come back a changed group!

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