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Day 8- Last Day in Canada & Clipper to Seattle

Today was the day. As I woke up my head was flooded with different emotions. On one hand I was upset that today would be our last morning in Canada. I knew I was going to miss being surrounded by all the beautiful scenery as well as the weather, (it felt like fall, and fall is my favorite season) and friendly people. But on the other hand I was happy to be returning the United States. This meant we only had about one day left until we returned to Florida, which meant warm weather and I would get to see my hamster.

As we all finished our delicious breakfast we walked up to our rooms for the last time to finish packing and getting ready. We then returned to the lobby and proceeded to walk to our boat that was going to be taking us to Seattle, Washington. We loaded on the boat and begin to play card games, read books, and watch movies. After about an hour I realized we could actually stand on the back of the boat which was outside. Although it was extremely windy and cold, I remained out there for the remainder of the hour and a half boat ride. Tiffani and I listened to some music and rocked out while being pelted by wind and occasionally water. Katelyn and I also watched out for sea life while out there. We got lucky and saw whales, dolphins, and maybe a shark. We couldn't really tell but we're gonna say it was a shark because that sounds cool. As I stood on the back of the boat I took in everything around me and just stood in awe of how beautiful everything was. Then I took a few minutes to process everything that we had done in the past week and how thankful I was to be given this opportunity. In just a week I had faced my fear of heights, many times, and conquered each one that was thrown my way. Even if it took longer then expected. I had seen and swam in a beautiful glacier lake, rode to the top of a mountain, and went on a zip line that went up to 60mph.

Once we reached Seattle we could all spot the space needle from our boat and got excited as we knew we were close. Upon arrival we dropped our bags off at the hotel and headed to dinner at The Crab Pot. Me and many of my teammates and coaches ordered "The WestPort" which is a large seafood dinner. We knew it was going to be good when they brought us out bibs, a chopping board, and mallets. After feasting at dinner we decided it was best to fill our already full stomachs with some ice cream.

We then proceeded to walk around downtown Seattle where we walked around in little shops, saw magicians, rode the Ferris wheel, and played corn hole. One of my favorite parts was on our way back to the hotel we stumbled upon the famous gum wall, which is exactly what it sounds like two walls completely covered in gum. So of course the team had to chew some gum and leave our mark on the wall. Although we were sad to say goodbye to Canada we had a fun evening in Seattle. Tomorrow is our last day before returning back to Florida and I can't wait to see all it has in store for us.

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